VoIP Technology


VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a general term for a family of technologies that allows voice transmission over Internet protocol.

The use of ΙΡ phone devices or special converters allows you to make phone calls over the existing network infrastructure rather than the public telephone network.

The basic stages of the voice transmission over internet protocol include the conversion of the analog voice signal to digital format, compression and conversion of Internet protocol, and finally its transmission in packet format over the internet. The whole process is reversed at the distant end and the procedures in both places happen in real time.

What are SIP phones;

Session Initiation Protocol is a protocol of communication through a computer network, which allows the transmission of multimedia information either via the internet or via a local network.

SIP phones are same as VoIP phones or the phone software. These phones allow you to make phone calls using VoIP technology (Voice over Internet Protocol).

There are two types of SIP phones.

The first type is the SIP phone with hardware. It resembles the common telephone, but can receive and make calls using the Internet instead of the traditional PSTN system.

SIP phones can also be software-based. In this case, they allow you to use any computer as a phone via a headset with microphone or/and sound card. They also require a broadband connection and a connection with VOIP service provider or SIP server.

How can I use Inter Telecom services?

In order to use the services offered by Inter Telecom, you must create an account by signing up.